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Full EP


- The Story -

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Track 1 - Dragons At Home

Samosa - Dragons At Home

The Dragon has been hiding away for quite some time, in a world that's changed quite a bit since the human cultists took over. The cultists all dress in the same robes so as not to express any individuality, an important aspect of their culture. They think the same, and they have the same opinions. The Dragon is a deviation from that lifestyle, as it intends to express itself freely and show its true colors. Which in this case, would mainly be green and yellow.

Three cultists have been recruited by the higher-ups to hunt the Dragon down and nullify its threat to the cultists' ideals, but maybe their minds can be altered...

Track 2 - The Model Citizen

The Dragon manages to elude the cultists, muttering a spell that sends them into a state of deep self-reflection (which can be very dangerous to humans, as these cultists believe it can make them happier. And that would make them stand out, which is something they do not want at all).


The Dragon appears to them in their thoughts and encourages their free-thinking.

Samosa - Dragons At Home

Track 3 - Intermissionary

Samosa - Dragons At Home

This track is an intermission of sorts but the title can also refer to a missionary having the prefix 'inter-', as to mean a missionary who is in between beliefs and does not conform to one belief. That was totally planned, yes of course it was.

Here the Dragon and the three cultists (who have now gained a bit of individuality and choose to be referred to as Briar, Milkcap and Oakely) set out to find solutions to fix this widdershins-turned world into a more accepting one.

Track 4 - Spirit

Our quartet's first destination is the forest of

'the Spirit of the trees'

They seek their advice, as the Spirit holds some psychic abilities known only to an ancient few who lived even before the Land Wights. The Dragon explains it has felt that time is running out and perhaps it is time for the Land Wights (the Dragon, the Bird, the Bull and the Giant) to come together again and not to defeat, but open the minds of the human cultists who rule this world. And no, to 'open their minds' does not mean a bullet to their heads.

Samosa - Dragons At Home

Track 5 - Let It Pass

Samosa - Dragons At Home

Here, the Spirit is singing in a very goblet-half-empty manner, they do not see the world improving out of this condition and tells them that they should Let It Pass. But the Dragon is not ready to give up just yet. It intends to seek out the other Wights.

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